OK, here is my 1st post!
Had a sweet w/e in Moab, UT, lots of riding and of course spending time with my favorite person, JayP and my best dawg, B-love.
We left JH Weds at 830pm, grabbed a pizza at Wildlife in Victor, ID and slept in Pookie, ID at the super 8, arrived in Moab, UT approx 3pm Thurs. We set up camp at Slickrock at one spot, but then moved an hour later after a better spot became available, it's all about timing.
Thurs-rode fins n things, 10ish miles, good warm up.
Fri-Slickrock, practice & reg loop. I have ridden Slickrock several years and have come close to clearing it all, but for some odd reason I was freaked out diving right into the big loop today. After informing Jay I was freaked out, we rode the practice loop, where Jay kindly pointed out that ALOT of people ride this trail, as a group of people stood next to me with their bikes wearing jeans, sweatpants and sneakers, my confidence rose. It was a great ride. 15 miles, 2 hrs. It was super windy. 
Sat-Porcupine Rim, 30 miles round trip, 4 hrs, 70oz of water, fantastic ride as always. After a nap we rode Two Tortoise Rock, 16 miles, 2 hrs and great views. There really were turtles.
Sun-Dead horse point, 70 miles, 5.5 hrs from Slickrock, the rd was in great shape with hardly any traffic, a definite great alternative to Arches.
Mon-JH ride, 26 miles, 70oz of water. This ride combines 3 rides in one, with an awesome hike a bike and sweet DH to finish. Lots of sun exposure and crazy views. Along the way we were invited to stop at a the ranch where you turn to JH. I was amazed at where this man lived.
Tues-We had planned to ride Slickrock again b4 we left, but woke up late and with the long drive ahead called it a trip.
To keep it cheap, we camped at Slickrock all 5 days, cooked all our meals, which were killer and Jay did lots of bike maintenance. I'd really like to be there right now.
Burnin. What a great girl. She is an excellent camp dawg. Despite having to wait for us several hours at a time, the walking, running and swimming she did up Mill Cr everyday was a great adventure for her as well.